Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
HIV Activists Reggie & Dionne Smith join White House to Address HIV Stigma
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Need for and Benefits of Internal Cleansing
Most of us wash our hands and faces everyday. We brush our teeth at least twice daily, wash our clothes once or twice a week, wash our dishes (usually), every day, our cars at least once every two or three months. We bath or shower at least every other day but only a small but growing percentage of us clean ourselves internally.
Ideally, our bodies are designed to last hundreds of years if the supporting environment, in the form of clean air that has plenty of oxygen , water that still has an alkaline pH and life sustaining antioxidants and soil that has organic minerals and humus that can be readily taken up by the plant life.
The present environment, however, is not very supportive of a long healthy life. In fact, because of the various forms of pollution and lack of nutrients in the soil, it’s not even supportive of a healthy short life.
Since the industrial revolution humans have been experiencing various degrees of illness directly related to the over use of and reliance on a plethora of harmful chemical compounds.
Immune system related imbalances are quite numerous as we experience the immune system attacking it’s host body or not able to protect the body adequately.
The oxygen content in the air up to one hundred years ago was double what it is now. Most large farms have soil that has been so depleted of the naturally occurring growth promoting minerals and micro organisms that allow for plants to defend them selves against insects and the like. The farmers have to put growth hormones in the soil and use chemical pesticides to kill the bugs.
Animals are raised as if on an assembly line and force fed chemically derived growth hormones while not being able to move more than two feet in any direction most of their lives.
The bottom line is that we have created and are connected to all of these forms of pollution and we reflect the relationship through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Physically, the body does all it can to adapt. The eliminative organs, (the skin, lungs, kidneys and intestines), have been forced to deal with the pollution but to make matters worse, we choose to rely heavily on processed foods and drinks that have no life sustaining properties. They may taste appealing in a sick kind of way but all they do in the long run is add to imbalance of our bodies. The liver can perform up to 500 different functions and is the fastest regenerating organ in our bodies. However, it must work double time detoxifying a multitude of toxins and protect the body from acidification
by producing an over abundance of cholesterol. The small and large intestines are not able to function to their capacity because the majority of the food that many eat, having no naturally occurring inherent enzymes or nutrients, become like glue on the walls of the intestines. This glue prevents optimal absorption of nutrients in the small intestine and slows the movement of waste along the colon or large intestine.
The longer waste stays in the intestines, the sooner it begins to rot, the more that the putrid bacteria grows and the more polluted substances go back into the blood stream.
The kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and the skin have bigger and bigger demands placed upon them. As a result, various organs in your body become sluggish and in some cases fail.
Most diseases are named for the part of the body that they most prominently manifest.
Enough of the bad news. The good news is that there is a general increase in the awareness that each of us has a doctor inside and that diet and lifestyle play a large part on our well being. I looked up internal cleansing on Google and noticed that there were almost three million individual sites. Colon cleansing had two million two hundred and twenty sites. Alternative healing brought up fifty thousand sites and herbal healing had four hundred and sixty seven sites. Smooth move, CKLS, and Ultimate cleanse, by far outsell the other cleansers and rank within the top tweny items sold in the department and there are close to six thousand individual products in that department.
Many if not all of the illnesses that we develop are reversible. The first action that should take place in an effort to realize balance again should be to clean your colon.
Colon cleansing as a medical procedure dates back five thousand years with the Egyptian doctors. They documented the various herbs and ways to cleanse the colon and eventually the rest of the body in an effort to reestablish BALANCE.
Many of the herbs used thousands of years ago are available and used today. Below you will find a list of various symptoms that usually point to a need for cleansing:
Allergies and over sensitivity to certain foodsAcne, rashes, and boils,Lack of energy and stamina
Constipation or diarrhea
Frequent congestion, colds or viral attacks
General aches and pains
Joint/muscular stiffness
Lowered resistance to infection
A slower rate of healing
Inordinate PMS discomfort and pain
A diminished sex drive
Negative mentality
Parasitic infestation
Here is a list of some of the cleansing herbs, foods and drink:
dandelion, garlic, peppermint, neem, aloe, burdock, black walnut, black seed, fenugreek, fennel, hyssop, Oregon grape root, echinacea, goldenseal, elecampane, sarsaparilla, cayenne
red clover, cascara sagrada yellow root, yellow dock, milk thistle. Lemons, limes, apples, grapes, watermelon and citrus fruits. Dark green leafy vegetables, alkaline water and probiotics.
This is a list of benefits of cleansing:
- Your cells and inner and outer organs operate at a higher level.
- Circulation is enhanced.
- The blood flows easier.
- Sinuses are not congested.
- The body’s pH balance is maintained.
- More regular bowel movements.
- The immune system is more efficient.
- Eyesight improves.
- Greater mental clarity.
- Better able to focus.
- Improved memory.
- Joint mobility improves.
- Muscular flexability is increased
- Better digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
- Quelling of inflammation.
- More energy is experienced.
- Sounder sleep.
- Enhanced spiritual awareness.
- Clearer skin.
- Relief from allergies.Weight loss.
- More positive outlook.
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Please Vote Now (and everyday until we win)
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Monday, April 19, 2010
Pepsi refresh everything #2
HIV Activists join White House to Address HIV Stigma Stigma is something that the White House Office of AIDS Strategy has identified as a major contributor to the proliferation of HIV/AIDS. The Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) recently released a report summarizing recommendations from the public for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. The report stated, "Even when access to treatment is available, the stigma surrounding an HIV diagnosis may be too great for people to get tested or enroll in care. We heard from many people living with HIV who spoke about the stigma associated with being HIV-positive and its effect on their daily lives. Many people discussed the ways in which stigma and discrimination contributed to HIV-related racial, geographic, and gender disparities. People also described personal accounts of discrimination and stigma from providers and difficulties in accessing a range of services, including dental care and prenatal care." There are very few initiatives focused specifically at diminishing stigma surrounding HIV, and people are really just starting to understand the importance of treating the issues of the entire family in order to promote effective prevention and treatment. HIV Anonymous is a cost effective, self-perpetuating tool for diminishing stigma.Self proclaimed HIV Ambassador Reggie Smith (HHP) and his heroic wife Dionne, have launched a grassroots initiative focused on delivering "healing solutions" for families affected by HIV. The W.A.R. (Wellness, Awareness & Recovery) Initiative proposes to "end the stigma surrounding HIV by identifying and solving the unmet needs of families affected by HIV". At the core of the deliverable solutions for their cause are HIV Anonymous Positive Attitude meetings,12-step support groups for the HIV affected. The support groups have already begun to proliferate nationwide, while providing an atmosphere for honest sharing that has empowered and enlightened many. Like Alcoholics Anonymous, it has the potential to encourage millions to be freed from the disabling bondage of self, which is an effective antidote for stigma.Mr. Smith, an author, activist, TV/radio host, Holistic Health Practitioner, and person living with AIDS for over 25 years, is the executive director of HIV Anonymous ( He and his heroic wife of 25 years understand the dire need for free, self-help programs, especially for "sero-discordant" couples. To date, Dionne remains HIV negative, and though that reflects the reality for many relationships where one or both persons are HIV+, there is a real dearth of healing solutions or places where open discussion about the issues that couples now face in this new HIV reality. Dionne, a fierce advocate for those affected by HIV insists "...there is an emotional component to this disease", and "...when one person (in the family) is infected, all are affected". The White House national study validates her claim, and her 25 years of experience speaks volumes. The W.A.R. Initiative is a fast rising cause in the Pepsi "Refresh Everything" Project for the month of April ( . Featured in the health category for $250,000, the W.A.R. Initiative, with support from HIV Anonymous is seeking the funding to implement the initiative nationwide by creating face-to-face and online support groups, as well as an online/TV show focused on wellness, awareness and recovery. By voting for this cause in the "Refresh Everything" Project ( you are HIV Anonymous is a twelve-step support program adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. It has been proven that 12-Step programs work. HIV Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who have found that living with a potentially terminal illness and/or affected by this illness is a major challenge. HIVA Positive Attitudes members are individuals who meet regularly as a group, assisting one another in this new way of life. There is a dire need to remove the stigma and face the fears and ignorance surrounding HIV/AIDS. The HIVA fellowship is helping to reduce the prejudice and discrimination against HIV/AIDS-affected individuals.for more information contact:
Reggie Smith
ONAP Releases Report of Community Recommendations for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
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Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Pepsi Refresh Cause is gaining momentum!
With your continued votes, and some media support, and some serious viral (excuse the pun) communication/action we could win this month. The effort certainly should win in May, as the top 100 vote getters will automatically roll over into the next month's competition. Please go there now, watch the video and vote!! Thanks for your energy and support!!
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
HIVA - our grassroots effort needs you!
Thanks for your support!! We have passed the 100 milestone but there's a long way to go. We are on the move, but we need your votes everyday! We are engaged W.A.R. and your effort is essential for us to prevail.
click and vote now and everyday please. When we win, we will do what we set out to do.
I am your Ambassador for W.A.R. and I approve of this message.
Reggie Smith
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Monday, April 12, 2010
Refresh Everything
Reggie Smith
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
HIV Stigma and Discrimination
A Report on a National Dialogue on HIV/AIDS
WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF NATIONAL AIDS POLICY “There can be no true progress without stigma reduction. Stigma is still the REAL reason so many don’t want to know their status, don’t get help, or are afraid to be
advocates for their own health.” —Hammond, Indiana Web submission
HIV discrimination and stigma were common topics across community discussions. Many expressed frustration over the pervasiveness of HIV stigma nearly 30 years into the HIV epidemic. Studies have shown that HIV stigma is related to delayed HIV testing and care, as well as disclosure to family and
friends. People living with HIV can experience violence, rejection, and even eviction from their homes because of their serostatus, and HIV-positive persons continue to report discrimination in employment and health care settings.(109)
A New York City woman discussed her inability to find a dentist who would treat her because she is HIV positive. A Jackson, Mississippi woman talked about being advised by her provider to have an abortion, merely because she was pregnant and HIV positive. A Florida man complained, “I have been refused
treatment…. by medical doctors for my HIV on several counts while covered by private insurance... Imagine a world in which medical doctors do not refuse …life saving services to people with HIV/AIDS.
Is that too much to ask?” A few community discussion participants simply asked for existing anti-discriminatory policies to be enforced. For instance, the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership sug- gested, “Issue an Executive Order that requires all Federal agencies [and their contractors] comply with the Rehabilitation Act by barring them specifically from
using HIV infection as a basis for categorical exclusion.” Participants also discussed the importance of adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule to protect personal health information. “Congress should establish stricter penalties for violating HIPAA protections that result in loss of employment, health care coverage, or breech of privacy,” stated a New York organization. Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act was similarly highlighted. A San Francisco man who is deaf defended his civil rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act to have access to auxiliary aids and services for effective communication. “I go to school,” he noted, “[but the] school does not provide interpreters. When I go to work, they do not provide interpreting service. It is hard to get an interpreter, but we really need it for medical care to be able to speak, to go to a hospital, to get medical needs met.” Discrimination against sexual minorities was mentioned in several community discussions. We heard from those who expressed frustration over the lack of recognition of same sex relationships in visitation policies or insurance coverage. The commonality across each of these comments is that stigma and discrimination continue to pose significant barriers to those infected or affected by HIV, and the NHAS must address these issues to be successful.
109. Herek, G.M., Capitanio, J.P., Widaman, K.F. (2002).
HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the United States:
prevalence and trends, 1991-1999. American Journal of Public Health, 92(3), 371.
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Breakthrough In HIV Research
"Breakthrough In HIV Research"
When I mention that HIV has never been isolated in a laboratory, people do not understand. Researchers have made a breakthrough in HIV research that had eluded scientists for over 20 years, potentially leading to better treatments for HIV, in a study published today in the journal Nature.
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
This is the TRUE face of HIV/AIDS. Stigma is still a killer.
Here is what happened to lead up to this resurrection adventure. For over 14 years after being diagnosed with full blown AIDS in 1988, I lived in denial that I had the disease. It was easy to do because I did not have any of the illness associated with HIV. I only shared my diagnosis with my wife; not my mother, four children, family or friends. It did not seem like a secret, unless I heard the conversations that you all were having about what you would do if you were diagnosed, and how you really felt about those who were HIV+. Damn!! Some of ya'll were cold hearted and just plain ignorant. Some of you still are! Fear will do that I guess.Sure, I got depressed. I thought I was going to DIE SOON!! I was just starting to live! I had been clean and sober for about 4 years, after what seemed like an eternity of suffering in the throes of addiction to heroin and cocaine (among many other sex). It took everything that I had, and all the praying that I could do, to "rise above the battlefield of life". I had to "Surrender To Heal" ( My wife, with whom I was pregnant, had had 3 years of unprotected sex. Thank God, she tested HIV negative, so she and the baby were fine. They still are...22 years later (Thank God!) We did not even know we were stigmatized. If anyone had asked me, I probably would have told them my status. I tried to tell others by alluding to the fact that I was an IV drug user in the past. Nobody really wanted to know. No one really wanted to talk about it. I guess we all were affected by the stigma. As a result, I watched many friends and family suffer and die, looking just like this (and worst). Many more believed it could never happen to them, and if it did, they thought that they would just "kill themselves" before they had to go through this kind of suffering. Suicide is not that easy.Having been blessed to survive addiction and be in recovery, I knew that miracles happen and I could live them! I worked hard to change my spirit, mind, emotions, and behaviors. I stopped smoking, eating meat, stressing, developed a positive attitude, and I lived my life to the fullest - one day at a time. Still, something was missing. I felt compelled to disclose to the world in an effort to engage others in this wonderful experiment I was having with life. After all, I felt blessed and highly favored and wanted everyone to have the benefit of the same. I decided to tell the world of my true experience by writing a book (Surrender To Heal - and whatever way I could.My wife did not want that at all and we were headed towards divorce. We were both truamatized by the experience of living with HIV and did not know it. Even though I was doing very well health wise prior to my decision, the stress of disclosure caused me to get sick. My immune system is obviously tied to my emotions. The doctors said I would die in 3 days. I was resurrected by God's grace and mercy, and the love of family and friends. If I had not had already shared my love, status and truth with so many people, I would not have been able to get that love back. It came back 100 fold and I have been healed.I was very disappointed that many...mostly all, still did (do) not hear my words or feel my love. Everyone is affected by HIV. Those who are fearful of what their own actions and lifestyels will bring, as well as those who have lost or still live with others who are HIV+, are living with trauma. I was not sure why God had me have my son videotape the ugly truth about what suffering with AIDS looks like, but I think now it may help many see it is easier to talk about the truth than to die living a lie. Watch the video.There is hope. In order to access that hope you have to be willing to "participate in your own survival/salvation". If we don't, we will most certainly be complicit in our own demise. Stigma is being more concerned with what others think about you, than what you are about yourself or the truth. I know what the miracle of diminishing or eradicating stigma can do. HIV Anonymous, a 12-step global support group for those affected by HIV helped my wife and I evolve and grow together. She is still HIV negative, and we are still together after 25 years. I love her, and I love my life immensely. We are engaged in WAR! You can play if you want, but there will be many casualties in this war and no one is immune (excuse the pun). Our immune system is our last line of defense. I have some healing solutions, and a network of others who have some too. You will never know if you are hiding your head in the sand thinking it won't happen to you, you know, like an ostrich. Even with your head in the sand, your ass is sticking way out. Don't let stigma, fear, apathy, and the rest of our enemies capture you. Join us in the WAR (Wellness, Awareness & Recovery)!Enlist now!! Vote now for our cause. Visit and vote for our cause in the Pepsi "Refresh Everything" contest for our health initiative to end the stigma surrounding HIV or donate. God loves you and so do I.
Vote here now!!!
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Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
This is the TRUE face of HIV/AIDS. Stigma is still a killer.
Here is what happened to lead up to this resurrection adventure. For over 14 years after being diagnosed with full blown AIDS in 1988, I lived in denial that I had the disease. It was easy to do because I did not have any of the illness associated with HIV. I only shared my diagnosis with my wife; not my mother, four children, family or friends. It did not seem like a secret, unless I heard the conversations that you all were having about what you would do if you were diagnosed, and how you really felt about those who were HIV+. Damn!! Some of ya'll were cold hearted and just plain ignorant. Some of you still are! Fear will do that I guess.Sure, I got depressed. I thought I was going to DIE SOON!! I was just starting to live! I had been clean and sober for about 4 years, after what seemed like an eternity of suffering in the throes of addiction to heroin and cocaine (among many other sex). It took everything that I had, and all the praying that I could do, to "rise above the battlefield of life". I had to "Surrender To Heal" ( My wife, with whom I was pregnant, had had 3 years of unprotected sex. Thank God, she tested HIV negative, so she and the baby were fine. They still are...22 years later (Thank God!) We did not even know we were stigmatized. If anyone had asked me, I probably would have told them my status. I tried to tell others by alluding to the fact that I was an IV drug user in the past. Nobody really wanted to know. No one really wanted to talk about it. I guess we all were affected by the stigma. As a result, I watched many friends and family suffer and die, looking just like this (and worst). Many more believed it could never happen to them, and if it did, they thought that they would just "kill themselves" before they had to go through this kind of suffering. Suicide is not that easy.Having been blessed to survive addiction and be in recovery, I knew that miracles happen and I could live them! I worked hard to change my spirit, mind, emotions, and behaviors. I stopped smoking, eating meat, stressing, developed a positive attitude, and I lived my life to the fullest - one day at a time. Still, something was missing. I felt compelled to disclose to the world in an effort to engage others in this wonderful experiment I was having with life. After all, I felt blessed and highly favored and wanted everyone to have the benefit of the same. I decided to tell the world of my true experience by writing a book (Surrender To Heal - and whatever way I could.My wife did not want that at all and we were headed towards divorce. We were both truamatized by the experience of living with HIV and did not know it. Even though I was doing very well health wise prior to my decision, the stress of disclosure caused me to get sick. My immune system is obviously tied to my emotions. The doctors said I would die in 3 days. I was resurrected by God's grace and mercy, and the love of family and friends. If I had not had already shared my love, status and truth with so many people, I would not have been able to get that love back. It came back 100 fold and I have been healed.I was very disappointed that many...mostly all, still did (do) not hear my words or feel my love. Everyone is affected by HIV. Those who are fearful of what their own actions and lifestyels will bring, as well as those who have lost or still live with others who are HIV+, are living with trauma. I was not sure why God had me have my son videotape the ugly truth about what suffering with AIDS looks like, but I think now it may help many see it is easier to talk about the truth than to die living a lie. Watch the video.There is hope. In order to access that hope you have to be willing to "participate in your own survival/salvation". If we don't, we will most certainly be complicit in our own demise. Stigma is being more concerned with what others think about you, than what you are about yourself or the truth. I know what the miracle of diminishing or eradicating stigma can do. HIV Anonymous, a 12-step global support group for those affected by HIV helped my wife and I evolve and grow together. She is still HIV negative, and we are still together after 25 years. I love her, and I love my life immensely. We are engaged in WAR! You can play if you want, but there will be many casualties in this war and no one is immune (excuse the pun). Our immune system is our last line of defense. I have some healing solutions, and a network of others who have some too. You will never know if you are hiding your head in the sand thinking it won't happen to you, you know, like an ostrich. Even with your head in the sand, your ass is sticking way out. Don't let stigma, fear, apathy, and the rest of our enemies capture you. Join us in the WAR (Wellness, Awareness & Recovery)!Enlist now!! Vote now for our cause. Visit and vote for our cause in the Pepsi "Refresh Everything" contest for our health initiative to end the stigma surrounding HIV or donate. God loves you and so do I.
Vote here now!!!
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Widget code for Pepsi "Refresh Everything" contest
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate
Friday, April 2, 2010
Widget code for Pepsi "Refresh Everything" contest
Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate