Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Time means more than money; and money can't buy time.

Rise Multimedia Magazine












Featured Video:

Tax the Rich:

"Rich People Urinating on the Poor"

(click on arrow to view video)









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Time means more than money; and money can't buy  time.        

                                      By Reggie Smith

Rockets, moon shots, Spend it on the have nots

Money, we make it, Fore we see it you take it

Oh, make you wanna holler, The way they do my life

Make me wanna holler, The way they do my life

Inflation no chance, To increase finance

Bills pile up sky high, Send that boy off to die; Bad breaks, set backs, Natural fact is

I can't pay my taxes; Oh, make me wanna holler, And throw up both my hands

Trigger happy policing, Panic is spreading

God know where we're heading

Oh, make me wanna holler, They don't understand;  This ain't livin', This ain't livin', No, no baby, this ain't livin'.

                       Marvin Gaye

Have you ever been faced with your own mortality? When I was at the end of active addiction to heroin, I thought I wanted to die and wanted time to stop. When I was diagnosed with AIDS, I thought I was going to die and didn't want time to end.  In either case, life was being measured in time.  There have been many moments in my life where I would like to have had the power to stop, rewind, or fast forward time, but I never have figured out how to do that.  When I thought I was facing imminent death, the best I could do is to take my watch off and stop being manipulated by my perception of time.  Every moment we spend here on this plane of existence is truly an opportunity to resolve the questions that life has for each of us.  The blessing of my life is that my “reality” has motivated me to understand more fully what time is, and how I could best use what time is allotted to me.


In my opinion, time is a way to mark and measure our human existence.  Time, like pictures, can be useful to look to the past at how our lives and humanity has evolved.  The more time you see, the faster it seems to go. Life is an experiment.  We do not have all the answers, but we make “educated” guesses based on the outcomes of similar experiences we have had or observed.  We often try to predict the future the same way; by guessing what will happen based on what has already happened in past similar situations.  Mostly, our future is predicated on the assumption that we will be here and alive to be a part of it.  As we see on a daily basis all over the world, life often ends abruptly in more ways than we can imagine.  From being bombed by a drone, shot by a deranged sniper, hit by a drunk driver, poisoned by a power hungry dictator, or simply waking up dead from starvation; there are an infinite number of ways for our life clocks to stop.  That is not morbid; it is a fact of life.  So what are we going to do while we are here?


In one of my favorite books, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, I got a better grasp on the way I am sometimes distracted by my own mind and ego away from the purpose of life.  My mind and ego continually conspire to keep me locked in the past or the future.  The confusion that the past and future creates does not allow me to fully participate in this now moment.  It is in this now moment that my past and future are created.  Everything that is created in this material world begins with a thought.  My mind may think whatever it wants, but I have the ability to change or filter those thoughts into the actions that will manifest whatever I focus on.  Furthermore, like when we pray together or visualize and act together as a group, we have the ability to create an outcome that supersedes probability.  We see that happen all the time in sporting events when fans seemingly will their underdog teams to victory.  So, why do so many spend so much of our most valuable commodity, time, in the pursuit of money


Money can’t buy you time.  Recent reports show that income inequality in the United States is at perilously high levels.  Major media is corporate driven, and will not work against it’s own self-interest, so we can't count on them to start or support a movement for change.  Money is energy, and it should be used for the improvement of the lives of those of us here on the planet.  Instead, there are a few with more than they could ever need or use, and many, many more with barely enough to get by.  So, in order to maintain life, the masses are spending too much valuable time trying to get money.  Medications, food, fuel…everything cost moneyNow is the time to change the way business is done.  We live in strange times where greed trumps what is good for the planet and the people. I’m not rich, and I have nothing against those who are, but I am focused on using my time to change the flow of energy.  We must come together to change our priorities.  That would be a great way to use our time, right?  Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery.  NOW is the time to RISE!



  Innerview with a veteran of Katrina

                            (well worth watching)











For information about starting a support group for ALL  those affected by HIV/Hep C, check out:

HIV Anonymous

HCV Anonymous


Email Response Form


Here are a few books you might like:


by Reggie Smith

 by Denise Stokes

“I’m Still Here”  - by Venus Perez  





Subscribe to RISE4WAR.com - a multimedia magazine focused on Wellness, Awareness, & Recovery especially for families affected by HIV/Hep C

Please fill out my form!



Our Sponsors & Supporters



Music Video

The O'Jays - For the love of money (Live 1974)



Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Relaxation, Anxiety, Depression and Stress



Click on the links below to enjoy a special music mix by

DJ "Kind Brother" Reggie Smith


(right-click to download)






Classic Movie Clip

In Time


 "Time IS Money"





Dr. Luther A. Virgil, Jr. blogs his initial impressions and findings from this years United States Conference on AIDS.

Read them here










RISE Archives





RISE Multimedia News and Education Magazine · info@rise4war.com

Reggie Smith · 678-744-RISE (7473) · Skype: ReggieSmith770


Sunday, February 9, 2014

If we don't mind; then does it matter?

Rise Multimedia Magazine












Featured Video:

Thirteen Percent

Who whispers "fire" when their home is ablaze?

This documentary explores why 13% of America's population now accounts for 50% of new HIV/AIDS infections.


(click on arrow to view video)



The Longest 20 Minutes


(a one minute HIV PSA)






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If we don't mind; then it doesn't matter.

                                         by Reggie Smith

And I went down to the demonstration

To get my fair share of abuse

Singing, We're gonna vent our frustration

If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse

You can't always get what you want...

But if you try sometimes well you just might find

You get what you need

                                          Rolling Stones

Why don't they play slow jams at the club or parties anymore?  Twerking and jerking on the dance floor has always been fun, but it was often done in the hopes of attracting the intimacy that comes with blue lights and a slow dance. I wonder if young people even know how to slow drag or turn a slow dance into a romance.  It took a great deal of courage, sometimes liquid courage via alcohol, to take a chance on asking a young lady to slow dance.  That's where I learned what we mean when we say "it is mind over matter".  No guts, no glory we like to say; so if I did not find the courage to ask for a dance before the party ended, I would have to take my fantasies home with me and find ways to satisfy them in my mind.  At the time it would seem to really matter to me.  Those slow jams really set the mood and were great motivation for romance, right?

I'm a DJ, so I know we have still slow jams in the music crate, but no one ever requests it. Most folks have been trained to think we operate in a supply and demand society, but it's really demand and supply. In capitalism, the “job creators”, like the DJ, will pick the products or music they think we will buy or dance to.  Generally, the smart entrepreneur will try to convince us we want what they have, but ultimately they will give us whatever we want. If we don't tell them what we want, or more importantly, if we do not know what we want and need, they will figure we don't mind buying whatever is sold. If we don't demand what we want and need, it doesn't seem to matter.  Sometimes, like the young people I’ve asked, we seem to not even know a particular option (like slow jams at a party) even exists.

I wonder if the powers that be (PTB) care whether many of us live or die.  Diseases like HIV and Hep C should challenge us to see ourselves in enlightening ways.  The way that mortality rates mirror poverty rates is undeniable.  There are many ways we could more effectively change our reality and create a more healthy existence, but we would need to use enough discipline to stop being distracted by the lies being supplied by the enemy, and demand the things we need in order to thrive.  We need clean water, affordable nutritious food, clean air, gainful employment, educational opportunities, free or affordable healthcare, and safe, affordable housing.  We want peace and happiness.  What we are getting is chaos, oppression, disrespect, disregard, and both political, legal and economic justification for a lack of empathy that disproportionately affects those with the most needs. 

On a personal level, are we comfortable not living up to our full potential?  If you go back into the archives of RISE, you will see that we have been trying to say all along that if the powers that be didn’t care about those of us living with HIV, and if we all did not realize that we are affected and connected, sooner or later the virus of greed would spread to pandemic proportions.  People like the Koch brothers have pushed their agenda of total domination to the brink of democratic annihilation.   They have gotten so bold; they have given up the pretense of secrecy.  Obviously they have calculated that if we don’t mind being oppressed and manipulated enough to make the changes needed to be able to satisfy our own needs, then it won’t matter if we can see how irrational, reprehensible and absurd their tactics are.  

Talk is cheap and the PTB have enough money to make plenty of people in positions of influence say whatever they are told.  Brains are matter, but minds need to be engaged in order to consciously and intentionally create our reality.  Empires have fallen as a result of apathy.  Overcoming addiction and HIV has helped to prepare me for what we are now experiencing because it taught me the difference between what I need and want, and helped me practice a program for life while connecting with spirits like you, and I am grateful.  Now, for the greater good, it is time for you and I to Resurrect Inspirational Spiritual Experiences.  It is time for us to RISE.  It is time to RISE!

                     "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."


"There comes a time when silence is betrayal"

                               Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.





For information about starting a support group for ALL  those affected by HIV/Hep C, check out:

HIV Anonymous

HCV Anonymous


Email Response Form


Here are a few books you might like:


by Reggie Smith

 by Denise Stokes

“I’m Still Here”  - by Venus Perez  





Subscribe to RISE4WAR.com - a multimedia magazine focused on Wellness, Awareness, & Recovery especially for families affected by HIV/Hep C

Please fill out my form!



Our Sponsors & Supporters




"Betcha Bye Golly Wow"



This is Your Brain on Exercise (Mental Health Guru)




Click on the links below to enjoy a special music mix by

DJ "Kind Brother" Reggie Smith


(right-click to download)








Classic Movie Clip

Trading Places - "Bookies"







 This is a multi-part program that you can access at anytime in order to learn or reinforce information about Hepatitis C.

The goal of this program is to provide all of us with the knowledge, resources, and a plan of action to prevent the spread of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and increase the quality of life for those already infected with HCV.

At the conclusion of this part of the program, we should be able to:

1.  Introduction To Knowledge is Power -  Hepatitis C Educational Program

2.  Identify methods of transmission and prevention of HCV infection   Hepatitis C Transmission

   3.  Describe the natural history of HCV and its importance in the  treatment of HCV infection

   4.  Describe the life cycle of HCV and its importance in the  treatment of HCV infection



This educational program is made possible with support from:




RISE Archives





RISE Multimedia News and Education Magazine · info@rise4war.com

Reggie Smith · 678-744-RISE (7473) · Skype: ReggieSmith770