Monday, February 22, 2010

Atlanta College Students are ready for W.A.R.!!

Wellness Awareness and Recovery is an initiative to increase awareness  
about and diminish the stigma surrounding HIV

Recently, I have had the pleasure of spending time and information with several students that attend Morehouse and Clark Atlanta University.  The experience has been very rewarding.  I knew, and was reminded by our volunteers at HIV Anonymous, that the youth are the one's that must be engaged in this W.A.R.  It is absolutely invigorating to find that not only is that the truth, but the youth are hungry for new information, and an opportunity to ask questions about life from someone who is willing to tell them the truth about living with, and preventing acquiring HIV.

I have learned alot in this journey towards wellness.  Living with AIDS has raised my consciousness.  I have nothing to lose by telling others what my experiences have been, and asking the questions that we ALL should be asking of ourselves and each other.  Sex has never been a "bad" thing.  Never.  In western culture, we learn about sex as if it were some kind of sport.  We don't usually look at sexual energy as the "flow" we can ride back to our true home and the source of all things.  Our egoistic way of engaging each other often gets in the way of honest and real relationships.

Through evolution, the "kids" have an innate sense that there is more to life, and the are thirsty.  As a result, we are planning ways to bridge the gap of the generations.  They plan to bring truth to the party and I promise to do the same.  The truth is that we are all responsible for participating in our own salvation.  Together we WILL attain just that.  We are engaged in W.A.R with principalities and microbes, and our defense will begin with awareness.  Our goal is to recover our "right relationship" with the spirit within. 
Check out RISE - THE RESURRECTION SHOW this Thursday at 8PM on for a continued conversation about how our youth (and others) are living and dating in an HIV world.



Posted via email from Reggie Smith's Posterous by SocialNetGate

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