Friday, September 3, 2010

Reggie Smith is speaking @the US Conference on AIDS on Sunday, September 12th!

Greetings & Salutations!
I thought you would like to know that I am blessed to be able to share my strength, hope and experience at the United States Conference on AIDS.  My wife Dionne and I will also be sharing our thoughts with the Congressional Black Caucus at their annual national gathering in Washington D.C on September 17th at 9am.  We are honored to have these opportunities, and appreciate the love and support you continually give us and this cause.  We are engaged in W.A.R (Wellness, Awareness, & Recovery)!!



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Twitter - @USCA2010



Dialogues in HIV: Can We Talk?

You are Invited to a FREE Lunch Symposium and Interactive Live Web Broadcast


Dialogues in


Sunday, September 12, 2010
12 Noon – 2 PM • Bonnet Creek Ballroom, Orlando, Florida
Held during USCA 2010
To participate in this FREE symposium live or via internet, please register at or by calling 732-256-4470




Reggie Smith


Luther A. Virgil, Jr., MD (Chairman)
Chief Executive Officer
& Chief Medical Officer
National Minority Clinical Research
Association (NMCRA)
Fairfield, NJ Treatment

Guidelines and Implications for Therapy






lisa henry reid


Lisa M. Henry-Reid, MD
Chair,Division of Adolescent
and Young Adult Medicine
John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital
Chicago, IL

HIV/AIDS in Youth Populations:
Where we are is not where we want to be

Reggie Smith


Reggie Smith
Executive Director,
HIV Anonymous, Inc.
Austell, GA

Living Well With HIV


2 Ways to Participate
Live or from the convenience of your own home or office


Register now at: or call 732-256-4470


Program Overview

HIV treatment has come a long way in the past 25 years. Today, with the proper therapy and positive lifestyles, people with HIV can live long, healthy lives even in sero-discordant relationships. Unfortunately, adolescent and young adults (ages 15-24) are making a significant and increasing contribution to the number of newly infected persons with HIV in the United States and worldwide. Youth populations engage in risk-taking behaviors, but do not always clearly comprehend that HIV acquisition may result from these behaviors. Providing effective care and treatment for adolescents poses unique challenges that healthcare providers and communities must overcome and find effective ways to support these young people to transition into adulthood. The task is not only to prevent and treat disease but to encourage youth to stay strong, healthy, positive and hopeful for the future.

Learning Objectives

·         Discuss the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in youth populations

·         Identify the most common risk factors for acquiring HIV in youth populations

·         Evaluate the role of HIV testing for at-risk youth

·         Recognize the treatment challenges encountered in youth populations

·         Review the HIV therapy guidelines in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) “Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents”, as well as the International AIDS Society-USA (IAS-USA) guidelines

·         Discuss important revisions made in the recently updated versions of the DHHS and IAS-USA guidelines and their implications for therapy

·         Assess methods to safely maintain a sero-discordant relationship

  • Discern the benefits of striving for spiritual, mental and physical wellness

Supported by an educational grant from merck logo


Do not miss this opportunity...Call or Register Online

About USCA
The mission of the United States Conference on AIDS is to increase the strength and diversity of the community-based response to the AIDS epidemic through education, training, new partnerships, collaboration and networking. It is the largest AIDS-related gathering in the U.S., bringing together over 3,000 workers from all fronts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic—from case managers and physicians, to public health workers and advocates, to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/As) and policymakers—to build national support networks, exchange the latest information and learn cutting-edge tools to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. We hope you will be one of them.

For more information, visit USCA online:, or on Twitter: or Facebook:

About USCA's Sponsor, NMAC
The National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) builds leadership within communities of color to address challenges of HIV/AIDS. Since 1987, NMAC has advanced this mission through a variety of programs and services, including: a public policy education program, national and regional training conferences, a treatment and research program, numerous publications and a website: Today, NMAC is an association of AIDS service organizations providing valuable information to community-based organizations, hospitals, clinics and other groups assisting individuals and families affected by the AIDS epidemic. NMAC's advocacy efforts are funded through private funders and donors only. 

For more information, call NMAC directly at (202) 483-NMAC (6622) or Visit the agency online at, as well as on and on Pictures and video clips from past NMAC events are available from (, and, respectively.

About NMAC Lifeline" target="_blank">">Click here to view this message as HTML in your browser." target="_blank">">Click here to forward this message." target="_blank">">Click here to change your email preferences.




USCA's YouTube Channel

Twitter - @USCA2010


Posted via email from Reggie Smith 770 by SocialNetGate

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